Why be sensory friendly?

Important Statistics

Many people in the United States have sensory needs. By accommodating and including this large population, a company can increase revenue and promote acceptance for people who are on the autism spectrum, others who have PTSD, ADHD, and dementia.

Did you know that …

  • 13 million people in the US are living with PTSD
  • 1.5 million people in the US have Autism
  • 5.7 million people in the US suffer from Dementia
  • 6.4 million children in the US have ADHD

Why do we need Sensory friendly spaces?

While physical disability needs are more obvious, meeting the needs of children with Autism is just as important.  Children with autism often go through what’s known as sensory overload and when this happens they can experience a meltdown.

Meltdowns occur when there’s too much happening at once and they can be triggered by a number of everyday situations like a crowded room, a loud TV, overpowering aromas or fluorescent lighting. Autism-friendly spaces, whether home-based or public, aim to keep sensory stimulation to a minimum, thus reducing the risk of sending children living with autism into a meltdown state.

What types of businesses are becoming Sensory Friendly?

This trend is not limited to the hotel and travel industry. Sports stadiums, shopping centers, airports, restaurants, theaters, museums and cruise lines are all catering to this ever-growing population.  It is essential to make some necessary changes, in order to accommodate and attain the business of this very large population

Why should my establishment become Sensory friendly?

A new survey says that Autism affects one out of every 45 children between the ages of 3-17 today in the United States.   This population is growing exponentially and it is important to meet their needs.  These families are searching for establishments that meet this criterion.  Additionally, people who suffer from PTSD, Dementia, and ADHD are also looking for establishments to provide sensory inclusive amenities.  Sensory City can help.

New on the horizon, there is a yelp like app for businesses that are autism-friendly. These families are searching for establishments who can meet their needs.  Your business can be listed on this site and earn our “Sensory Friendly” seal of approval for your door and website. This badge will shine like a beacon to families who have a child on the autism spectrum or folks who have sensory needs.

Breaking news....  Sensory city partners with Kalahari Resort and Water park to make them the first sensory friendly certified resort in the Midwest Learn More