Sensory Rooms

Custom Sensory room plan and design

We create a calming spaces for your customers and or employees. These rooms can be placed within in a hotel room, airport, lobby or other space. A sensory room typically adjusts the auditory, visual and olfactory stimulation to levels acceptable for the population that will be experiencing it.

For many people with autism, the sights and sounds of the world can be overwhelming and scary. Others, however, need to stimulate their senses — by rocking, for example, or by running a hand across a smooth or textured wall. Specially designed sensory rooms offer autistic people options. They can escape all the noise and lights of the world, sink into a bean bag or lie beneath a weighted blanket and relax under low lighting. Usually these rooms are built for schools or centers that serve people with special needs, but now international airports, hotels and other establishments are embracing the benefits of providing a calming space for people with disabilities to enjoy.


From start to finish

We work with your establishment from conceptualizing the space to the finalized product. We can provide your establishment with a calming and serene space for individuals with disabilities to enjoy.

Site Survey

Our trained sensory installation team will visit, assess and measure the proposed space in order to source custom items.

*You provide the space

*We provide the design and consultative services

Design Phase

We meet with you to decide specific needs and unique ideas for the custom sensory room. A custom design will be presented.

Installation Phase

At a mutually agreed upon time, materials will be presented and installed by our highly skilled installation team.

Your new sensory oasis will be ready soon.

Installing a multi sensory utopia doesn’t have to be difficult. Using our expertise we can manage all aspects of the project to ensure that your experience is stress free..

Breaking news....  Sensory city partners with Kalahari Resort and Water park to make them the first sensory friendly certified resort in the Midwest Learn More